Shortcut to Salvation
Salvation is as easy as pie, or as hard as rocks. The difference between the two is your willingness to give up enthroning yourself (or other false god) as god of your life and letting God be your God.
If you are willing to let God be the God of your life, God asks you to accept his gift of eternal life through faith in his Son, Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ), by placing your faith in him.
Romans 10:9
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
It's as simple as that. Just pray:
Dear God, I confess that Yeshua is Lord. I believe in my heart that you, oh God, have raised him from the dead. Please forgive me of my sins. I accept your gift of eternal life offered via the sacrifice of your Son, Yeshua, on the cross at Calvary where he offered his life for my salvation. I love you God. Amen.
If you are now a child of God through your faith in Yeshua (and have accepted God's gift of eternal life), let me offer you a sincere, heartfelt congratulations.
The scriptures say:
Luke 15:6-7
6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
If God and angels in heaven are celebrating your coming to be a child of God through your faith in Jesus Christ, please let us know so we can celebrate, too. Also, please do this so that we might possibly be enabled to send you some resources to help aid you in your growing up in your faith. Some important things to do if you want to grow are pray and read your Bible. Just visit and click "Contact" (or if you're on the website now, just click the Contact link below) to let us know. God bless you.