
Then spake Jesus...saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness... Matthew 8:12
Absorb Counsel Gather Health

Hello and Welcome to MagPro Ministries

><(((*> Absorb: MagPro Absorb lists and provides ways to absorb God's teachings via bible study and study of books about the bible—here online and via study groups listed :-() Counsel: A little counselling can go a long way, and MagPro Consel provides and lists ways of recieving consel via virtual counselors, human web counselling online or through text or phone, or live counselling sessions !|!(!;o1+-! Gather: MagPro Gather facilitates and lists fellowship get-togethers or people gatherings or hang-outs. \_o_/ Health: MagPro Health puts forth some healthy proposals about being healthy—from water to food to air. Please click on any of these categories above or thier corresponding stick figure drawings below for more info.

stick figure drawing of a study groupstick figure drawing of a counselling session
stick figure drawing of a people gatheringstick figure drawing of a healthy person

MagPro Ministries

MagPro Ministries brings in music groups and speakers for church day or evening services on most any day of the week. From Evangelical gatherings, Prophesy discussions, Regular Church Services, to Travel and Missionary Seminars about travel to Israel and other places can be provided. Please visit the MagPro Contact page to invite MagPro Ministries to join you in your Ministry adventures.


Donations are through a secure server using credit card or other options available.

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Your help in continuing these ministries are greatly appreciated.

Affiliate Ministries

Greater Boston Church Planting Collaborative. Panel Discussion.








  • Click on any of the files above to hear the Panel Discussion recorded on 10/15/2005

  • Insightful ideas with an outreach perspective

  • Contact Ralph Kee at (617) 262-3363 or Brian Corcoran for further information regarding this Panel Discussion, to make a donation supporting their Ministries, or to order a CD of the this Panel Discussion
MagPro Ads: Visit the MagPro Books Israel's Homecoming webpage to discover this book.