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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"Thanks should be given to God because our sins can be completely eradicated if we rely on God’s removal of our sins. God can remove our sins as far away as the East is from the West, or cover our sins and bury them as if they were covered and buried in the depth of the sea, by the grace of God provided for us by HaMashiach (the Messiah)."

From Chapter 4) Adam… Where art thou? [html] (p90) of the book The Future of Israel (Volume I: Genesis) [info] by Misop Baynun – a MagPro Publishing author
[Don Francisco portrait] MagPro Photo of the Day:
Don Francisco

Don Francisco, Christian musician, is performing a concert in Allston, Massachusetts, USA at International Community Church ( Style: hippy Jesus people music. Listen to MagPro Song of the Day below to hear him. The concert will be held at 7pm. The price is $5.00, but it your short on cash, you can come anyway I'm told. Hope to see you there. Directions to ICC MB

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MagPro Song of the Day: "He's Alive" from He's Alive, Collection Vol. I by Don Francisco, a Rocky Mountain Ministries recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages  sitemap  Shortcut to Salvation  Free Software
2006 MagPro