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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"There was a king, wealthy and powerful, that fell in love with a particular poor servant girl that lived in his country. This king was driving about one day (in a low key, not so kingly carriage), and he became quite enamored with a woman that he came across."

From Chapter 3) and ye shall be as gods [html] (p83) of the book The Future of Israel (Volume I: Genesis) [info] by Misop Baynun – a MagPro Publishing author
[From atop Mount Sinai, or the Mountain of God, I saw this view of other marvelous mountainous rock formations.] MagPro Photo of the Day:
The Mountain of God's view

I understand why Mount Sinai (or Horeb) is also called 'the mountain of God' after being there. MB

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MagPro Song of the Day: "It's a Dog's Life" from One Duct Road by Misop Baynun, a MagPro Records recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages  sitemap  Shortcut to Salvation  Free Software
2006 MagPro