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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"Physicist and new age philosopher Fritjof Capra explains the evolution of scientific thought and the mentality that unquestionably influenced the practice of leadership."

From Chapter 3. Newton And Taylor (p29) of the book Transformational Leadership by Paul Schlosberg – a MagPro Publishing author

[Lance and Nate, side by the side between a portable cross during the 4th of July celebrations in Boston, Massachusetts near the Esplanade (Hatch Shell).] MagPro Photo of the Day:
Boston Esplanade on the 4th of July, 2006 Series (4 of ?)

Lance and Nate of Carry The Cross Ministries stand with the cross on the 4th of July in Boston. In order to spread the good news of the remission of sins through faith of God's salvation plan through faith in Yeshua (Jesus), they carry the cross and talk to those who might be interested in chatting about their beliefs.

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MagPro Song of the Day: "Rottweilers" from album One Duct Road by Misop Baynun, a MagPro Records recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages  sitemap  Shortcut to Salvation
2006 MagPro