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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"In fact, in his research he found that today the massive New York Public Library (as of his writing) held only one item for the search term “Political Leadership,” among its many thousands of volumes.24 Only recently, Burns says, in the last half-century or so, have we begun to develop a compendium of contemporary leadership study.25"

Chapter Two, Two: Leadership Theory (p28-29) of the book Transformational Leadership by Paul Schlosberg – a MagPro Publishing author

MagPro Photo of the Day:
'The CB Shalom Kids' Series (5 of ?)

Next up for the 'inverted feet, back to the floor' stage move (practice session), was this slightly larger rocker. He is a wonder kid, bearing evidence of his familiarity with the light of truth. He demonstrated this by his kindness, sincerity, apparent joy of life, and willingness to listen – even at his young age.

Click more photos to see more of the 'CB Shalom Kids'. For even more MagPro Photos, visit MagPro Photo of the Day:
'The CB Shalom Kids' Series (5 of ?)

Next up for the 'inverted feet, back to the floor' stage move (practice session), was this slightly larger rocker. He is a wonder kid, bearing evidence of his familiarity with the light of truth. He demonstrated this by his kindness, sincerity, apparent joy of life, and willingness to listen – even at his young age.

Click more photos to see more of the 'CB Shalom Kids'. For even more MagPro Photos, visit
MagPro Song of the Day: "Rottweilers" by Misop Baynun, a MagPro Records recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages  sitemap
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