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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"However, Burns also points out that for various reasons the collected knowledge of leadership eventually became fragmented, creating disconnected pockets of information."

From Part Two, Two: Leadership Theory (p28) of the book Transformational Leadership by Paul Schlosberg – a MagPro Publishing author

MagPro Photo of the Day:
Salute from inside Old City, Jerusalem, near Yaffa Gate celebrations

My friend from the Mount of Olives gives a salute during the Old City, near Yaffa Gate, celebrations on April 30, 2005.

Photo taken in Jerusalem, Israel, outside of the Yaffa Gate. More photos? Visit Photos.MagPro.orgMagPro Photo of the Day:
Salute from inside Old City, Jerusalem, near Yaffa Gate celebrations

My friend, from the Mount of Olives, gives a salute during the Old City, near Yaffa Gate, celebrations on April 30, 2005.

Photo taken in Jerusalem, Israel, outside of the Yaffa Gate. More photos? Visit

MagPro Song of the Day: "If You Feel Like Dancing" from the album I Held the Distance Close (Volume I) by Misop Baynun, a MagPro Records recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages

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