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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"Certainly, through history we have examples of transformative and emotionally intelligent leaders with characteristics equal to, or perhaps even greater than exceptional modern leaders."

From Part Two, Two: Leadership Theory (p28) of the book Transformational Leadership by Paul Schlosberg – a MagPro Publishing author

MagPro Photo of the Day:
The Angry Camel Series (1 of 6)

The angry camel seems to say, 'I'm an angry camel, but this kid's light, and I'm looking forward to a nice break when he's finished with his ride. Interested camel tour riders, please give me rest; I'm a little tired now.'

Photo taken in Jerusalem, Israel, outside of the Yaffa Gate. More photos? Visit Photos.MagPro.orgMagPro Photo of the Day:
The Angry Camel Series (1 of 6)

The angry camel seems to say, 'I'm an angry camel, but this kid's light, and I'm looking forward to a nice break when he's finished with his ride. Interested camel tour riders, please give me a rest; I'm a little tired now.'

Photo taken in Jerusalem, Israel, outside of the Yaffa Gate. More photos? Visit

MagPro Song of the Day: "Going Out Tonight" from the album I Held the Distance Close (Volume I) by Misop Baynun, a MagPro Records recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages

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