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MagPro Quote of the Day:
"Life is tasteless apart from God. I could have the most seemingly successful, happy life, but inside be miserable. I'd prefer outside circumstance to be terrible and be close to God on the inside, as to having outside things be great while on the inside I feel like I'm dying. It's so easy to lose touch with God that it is frightening to consider; but God tells me, flat out, when I am drifting away. For as I drift away, he becomes farther and farther away from me; and I feel the separation."

From Chapter 58) Abandoned Wants (p208) of the book Throngs of Iniquity by Misop Baynun – a MagPro Publishing author (

MagPro Photo of the Day:
Soccer on the Temple Mount

I had the privilege to play some soccer with a very talented young soccer player, in the area it is thought that Yeshua walked at one time – also not far from the rock where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, but God stopped him. God later provided his own Son, the 'Lamb of God,' as a sacrifice for the atonement of our sins. 

For more photos, please visit MagPro Photos ( Photo of the Day:
Soccer on the Temple Mount

I had the privilege to play some soccer with a very talented young soccer player, in the area it is thought that Yeshua walked at one time – also not far from the rock where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son, but God stopped him. God later provided his own Son, the 'Lamb of God,' as a sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.

For more photos, please visit MagPro Photos (

MagPro Song of the Day: "Jet Stream" by Sonic Tonic a MagPro Records ( recording artist  about MagPro  contact  Previous Hompages

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