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MagPro Photo of the Day

[Arch of Constantine – Rome, Italy]

Arch of Constantine – Rome, Italy from Misop's Pics of Italy, Israel, Palestine, Egypt & England 2005

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The Arch of Consantine commemorates Constantine I's vicotory at the Battle of Milivian Bridge – it was Dedicated in 315 AD. Accounts indicate that Constantine had a vision from God, seeing the Chi-Rho (the first two greek letters of the the word "Christ", or the Latin Cross. In the vision, he heard the words, "In this sign, conquor." Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which helped end persecution of the Christians of that time. MB

MagPro Video of the Day:

MagPro Ads: Visit the One Duct Road album webpage to rock out to the song Rottweilers by Misop Baynun.